Monday, October 24, 2011

Week of 10/24

Dear Gardeners,
Thanks to all who came out to the picnic- we had a great turnout and I hope you all had a nice time.

1) This Saturday is the tour to Nature's Way. You may go to the garden first, work a little and then follow the Garden Advisor(Barbara Stave) to Nature's Way or go straight to NW. The tour starts at 9 am sharp. You may want to dress in your "gardening" clothes and shoes as it might be dusty/muddy.

2) It would be good to fertilize with a foliar spray. I will be dropping off Liquid Seaweed and Fish Emulsion (as soon as I buy it) to spray your plants. Combined, these two organic fertilizers not only act as a supplement between dry fertilizer application (Microlife) but also controls insect and fungus problems. Greens particularly love the extra TLC. I'll notify you when I drop off the fertilizer. You may combine it with molasses (which will feed the micro-organisms in the soil). If you don't feel confident doing it yourself, ask a Garden Advisor to help you.

3) The leak on E5 has been repaired! Those around E5 should see a great improvement on the paths.

4) Please read through the two documents that were sent late last week (Best Garden Practices and Harvesting)...I hope you find them helpful.

5) If you notice that a particular crop is not growing as strongly as a neighbor's crop, check the drip line and make sure that the line is over the plant. If it's too far away (even a foot for the smaller transplants), then the drip won't do it's job.


1 comment:

  1. Gardeners and Advisors,

    The liquid fertilizer will be at the garden starting tomorrow. Please do not leave any unused fertilizer in the sprayer...
    (if you're getting this message in your inbox but have not seen the original thread, please visit

